5-Axis CNC Machining


High Accuracy

Faster Production

Complex Components


Better Part Quality

Our 5-Axis CNC Machines allow for infinite possibilities of part shapes and designs. If you have a highly complicated part that you need to make we can create it using this machine. The term 5-axis refers to the number of directions that the cutting tool can simultaneously move. The cutting tool moves along the X, Y and Z linear axes as well as rotating on the A and C axis. This gives us the freedom to cut any part shape from a block of material.

5-Axis CNC Machining

Better Accuracy, Better Parts

As the machine cuts on all axis at once the parts don’t need to be moved to complete them. This means better accuracy than you could get from other CNC machines, as well as completing your parts faster. We know that the quality and accuracy of the parts that we produce are paramount. That is why we have the most up-to-date machines, a great QA procedure and highly qualified staff. Whatever you need to produce, whether it is a prototype, small batch or larger quantity of parts, we can help you.

5-Axis CNC Machining
complex parts created
precise parts creation

Create Your Parts

Do you need to have a prototype or replacement parts precision made? Get in touch with your requirements and we will be able to give you a quote for the work.

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